Currently running at Seibu Ikebukuro (Jan.12-Jan.22, 2018), the 3×3 Eyes Gengaten is a fairly extensive exhibit of art from Yuzo Takada’s 3×3 Eyes.
Held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the manga’s serialisation, the exhibit features illustrations from the series’ inception, all the way up to Takada’s most recent work on the franchise in 2016-2017 as well as an all-new original illustration that he put together for the exhibit.
In an unusual move, photography was actually permitted in most parts of the exhibit, so the SpeakerPODcast Crew put together the following gallery.
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Gwyn Campbell
Project Manager, Macross fan, Podcast host, Anime nerd & sometime-gamer. Here in Akihabara we don't just 'like' Macross, we LIVE IT! 龍が我が敵を食らう!

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